New Delhi: Chief Minister of Telangana home address has changed. CM K Chandrasekhar Hyderabad Begumpet were shifted into their new home at 5.30 am today. CM's official residence to his new home.
CM's new home is equipped with high-tech technology. Spanning nearly one million square fit Tight security arrangements have been made in this house. The bathroom and the stained glass windows of the house are Buletprut.
Let us show you what's new home of Telangana Sime is special;
1. CM of Telangana will be the new home of Begumpet, Hyderabad. This house is so luxurious as well as bullet-proof glass windows of the house are the bathroom. Whose cost is in the millions.
2. The house is spread over one million square feet. Designed by the famous company Sharpugi Pllonji. The estimated value of the house is said to be around 50 million.
3. As the official residence of the Chief Minister would be home. Keeping this in mind, the Office has created different rooms. As well as the house is a large conference hall.
4. Not only is this luxurious home in a theater with a capacity of 250 people.
5. Not only inside, than outside the house is spacious. The house together Parkingm 300 vehicles can be parked.
6. Nothing in this house is technical things just did not care, but also the architecture is derived.
7. Currently living near the new home of the KCR. CM where he presently occupies a very small house.
8. Let me tell you that the Telangana CM for his family bought a farm house, which is 60 km from Hyderabad.
9. According to reports, this house will be built in several official Sciwala too, though construction work has been halted.
10. The situation in the country Notbandi way after the new residence of the chief minister of Telangana have been the subject of discussion among the people.
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