Wednesday, 9 November 2016

25 lakh litre water sprayed to tackle dust

New Delhi:

While air pollution comes with its repercussions, measures required to tackle it are no less a strain on the environment. On Monday , approximately 25 lakh litres of water was sprayed on roads, kerbs and central verges to settle the dust, with the promise of intensifying the drive in the coming days.With dust having been identified as one of the major contributors to air pollution in Delhi, and the alarmingly poor air quality of the past few days, Monday was the first day of implementing the government order to fight the menace.The public works department (PWD) used a little more than 250 tankers for spraying water along major roads across the city.
The water used was treated effluent from sewage treatment plants. “As per the government's order, we carried out water spraying along several roads. Agencies like New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC ) also watered their areas. The water was sourced from Delhi Jal Board, which has a huge amount of treated effluent that the agencies are encouraged to use for non-potable purposes. In the coming days, we will take more water to tack le dust,“ said an official.
At several locations, the staff deployed also took the opportunity to wash the trees and shrubs along the roads. “The leaves collect a lot of dust and if the agenda is to control dust, the trees must be washed,“ declared one of them.
The government has also banned construction activity but at several locations, primarily in residential areas, work continued unabated. On Monday , the Delhi government notified its decisions, banning all construction and demolition work.
While PWD said that work at its sites had been stopped, some amount of activity could be seen at the Barapulla Phase II site where a crane was lifting earth.NBCC, which is in the middle of the Kidwai Nagar redevelopment, said it had stopped all work at its sites.
However, a bigger concern for the Aam Aadmi Party government, which is focusing on dust control measures, is to ensure that loose earth lying at construction sites is either removed, barricaded or constantly watered to prevent it from flying around. The worst offenders in this case are government contractors themselves who take no such care, especially if the project is a small one.

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