Saturday 5 November 2016

Girl found dead, family says stalker killed her

Girl found dead, family says stalker killed her
New Delhi:

A 17-year-old girl allegedly hanged herself at her residence in south Delhi's Sangam Vihar on Thursday evening when her family members were away . The girl, Shivani, was a Class XI student at a government school.The girl's parents told the police that Shivani used to go to school with a childhood friend. They started getting stalked by a boy, who even passed lewd comments at them. The girls tried to ignore the situation, but when things got out of hand they told their parents. The parents then lodged a police complaint and the boy was sent to a juvenile home. However, the boy started following the girls again after getting released.He stopped Shivani one day and expressed fondness for her friend. He even tried to assault the girls, but ran away when they screamed for help. Shaken by this incident, Shivani's brother was tasked to drop the girls to school.
The stalker soon started feeling that Shivani's brother and the girl were having an affair. After he threatened the girls on October 31, Shivani stopped going to school.
Shivani's father, a hawaldar, suspects that she was killed by the boy and hanged from the fan. “She was not someone who would commit suicide,“ he said. The body has been sent to autopsy to ascertain the cause of death.

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